We have received approximately over 650 women since August of 2006. The Farm permanently accommodates 18 individuals who have battled through horrific circumstances to reach the peace and safety which our community endeavors to provide. As well as providing accommodation and companionship within the life of the community, we also offer to advocate on their behalf so that they can initiate progress in their own lives. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Matt 25
Love in All Sincerity
At The Catholic Worker Farm we live with 8 destitute women. At Mary House there are currently 5 women and 5 children. We look after a total of 18 destitute women and children. Some have been tortured, raped and have lost their loved ones. With us they share their Joys and Sorrows. Life here is ‘hard but good’. We have a rhythm of prayer, work in the garden and in the house (for the Core Community), mutual encouragement, dinner and once a week ‘movie night’. As our readers know our motto is “Love in All Sincerity”. This is a phrase from scripture which we seized upon very early as a challenge to us living here. It comes from “Love in all sincerity, loathing evil and clinging to the good. Let love for our brotherhood breed warmth of mutual affection. Give pride of place to one another in esteem.” (Rom 12:9,10)
What we do
- Provide a safe, warm bed in our homes
- Access to shower, clothes washing and cooking facilities
- Help with acquiring solicitors and medical care
- English lessons and Counselling
- We have a Fun night and Movie night.
- Most importantly we provide a supportive, loving environment within which our Guests can recover and work towards self sufficiency
With so many guests in the house it seems we are always celebrating. All are valued and the whole household joins in the celebration of each person’s birthday.
We also share an evening weekday meal together. We try to practice Jesus’ table fellowship, and eating together encourages a community spirit in the household.
We had a joyous Christmas this year, our supporters provided an amazing collection of gifts for all our guests. People went to various places of worship and we shared a huge meal; the turkey provided by Waitrose.
Opening Presents on Christmas Day
Bonfire Night
Celebrating Dorothy Day’s 111th Birthday